JICA China Office Delegation Visits CIYEC

Updated: 2024-07-11

Zhu Haowei, Deputy Director of the China International Youth Exchange Center (CIYEC), met with a delegation led by Takeuchi Kazuo, Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) China Office, on July 9.

Zhu welcomed Takeuchi and his delegation on their visit with a brief introduction to the CIYEC's initiatives in fostering China-Japan youth exchanges. He emphasized the JICA's pivotal role as an important partner of the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF), highlighting its long-standing practice of hosting outstanding Chinese youth representatives from various sectors in Japan for visits, exchanges, and training programs, which, he said, received extensive attention and acclaim from both societies, particularly among the youth.

Noting that the CIYEC is willing to collaborate with the JICA to promote exchanges in areas such as humanities, sustainable development, and climate change, Zhu expressed his hope to enhance youth engagement in international development affairs and to deepen the youth foundation for Sino-Japanese friendship and cooperation.

Takeuchi introduced the JICA's main activities in China and expressed hope for enhanced communication and cooperation with the CIYEC in ecological conservation and overseas youth volunteer services, to build platforms for mutual understanding and friendship between the youth of both countries.

Sakurai Naoko, Representative of the JICA China Office, and the head of the Public Service and Cooperation Department of the CIYEC also attended the meeting. 
